Your landscape is an important investment that Green Envy can help protect. We provide the following services to keep your landscape more resistant to insects, disease and harsh weather conditions.

Round 1
Spring Root Zone Fertilization
During the spring, we apply key nutrients by injecting or surface feeding the root zones of your treatable landscape to help your trees and shrubs recover from summer heat and humidity. This will help younger plants mature and keep your older landscape material stay healthy!
Round 2
Spring Dormant Oil
We apply an oil to reduce insects before they emerge to damage your landscape materials.
Rounds 3, 4 & 5
Insect and Disease Control(s)
3. Early summer
We complete an inspection and, if needed, we tackle specific problems such as diseases or damaging insects like mites and others that cause chewing and sucking damage.
4. Mid - summer
This time of year our treatment targets specific damaging insects including aphids, lace bugs, mites, Japanese beetles and scale.
5. Late summer
We apply treatment to defend against insects which occur late in the growing season.
Round 6
Fall Dormant Oil
A fall application of horticultural oil will help control many plant damaging insects in their overwintering stage; we apply this before damage occurs.
Round 7
Root Zone Fertilization
During the fall, we apply key nutrients by injecting or surface feeding the root zones of your treatable landscape to help your trees and shrubs recover from summer heat and humidity. This will help younger plants mature and keep your older landscape material stay healthy!